For about $15 per player you can cover your team for the spring & Fall season. Read the email from the 14u Tift County Blue Devils.
| Tim
I appreciate you asking. The injury turned out to be much more severe that first thought. Steven has multiple fractures to both bones in his lower leg. They ended up having to emergency surgery on him Saturday due to severe swelling and the concern that some of his injuries could cause muscle damage. My understanding is that would attempt to stabilize the bones during this procedure and he would require another surgery to set them later this week. He is in for an extended healing and rehabilitation process. Having the team insurance was a great ease to my mind. In speaking to the family they were not certain if they even had health insurance on Steven, they knew they had some type accident insurance but were unclear what it covered. I took them a copy of the insurance certificate and a claim form. It was one of those freak things that can happen in sports. Two players going hard for a ball that neither one was sure they could get to so noone called the other off. It didn't look like that big a collision but I guess Steven leg was in such a position that it just happened. I am so glad you guys require team insurance. Because if not we would probably not have gotten it. One lesson I've learned is to never go without it again. I'm going to go to the hospital and check on him today, I heard he has had several rough days due to pain so I thought I would wait until today so that maybe they could get his pain management stabilized. I'll send you the address for the hospital and his room and if you could forward it to the Patriots, Heat, AMP I would appreciate it.
Chappell Insurance
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