8u Wheel Pitch Rules
NO Bunting and stealing
All 2¼ bats are allowed (except Easton Red Stealth and NO Big Barrels)
No pearl baseballs (team provides their own ball)
NO infield fly rule
Run rule: 12 after 3, 10 after 4, 8 after 5
60 minute time limit finish the inning
Curtsey runner for catcher only (sub if available or last batted out)
Machine digital setting at 40mph
Time is only called once the umpire deem all base runners have stopped
10u Wheel Pitch Rules
Bunting and stealing is allowed
All 2¼ bats are allowed (except Easton Red Stealth and NO BIG BARRELS)
No pearl baseballs (team provides their own ball)
Infield fly rule is in effect
Run rule: 12 after 3, 10 after 4, 8 after 5
60 minute time limit finish the inning
Curtsey runner for catcher only (sub if available or last batted out)
Machine digital setting at 46mph
Runners can run without stopping on a batted ball (errors)
Time is only called once the umpire deem all base runners have stopped
Runners must stop at 3rd if it’s an overthrow from a catcher’s attempt at throwing out a runner
Runner can go from 1st-3rd on a steal (they don’t have to stop at 2nd)
If the ball hits the machine it’s a dead ball and the base runner’s only advance when forced.