Kinchafoonee Sports Complex
161 Kinchafoonee Drive
In Leesburg, on 19 South, from Americus, take a right on Kinchafoonee Street. This street will be the next street past the post office.
In Leesburg, on 19 North, from Albany, take a left at Robert B. Lee Street, then right on Linden Road. Once on Linden you will take a right on Kinchafoonee Street.
On Highway 32, come into Leesburg to a stop sign, with Courthouse on right, and take a left. Go over RailRoad tracks to the light and take a left. Go past the post office the next street is Kinchafoonee. Park is on the left.
Park Street Complex
166 Park Street
In Leesburg, on 19 South, from Americus, take a left right past SUBWAY on Park Street.
In Leesburg, on 19 North, from Albany take a right at Robert B. Lee Street and then take a left on Park Street right past the newly constructed Insurance Building.